August 21, 2015

Muscle Maidens

Muscle Maidens
This piece was done for Three Muses Challenge - Backgrounds.
The background is my own gibberish, typed out one evening with a vodka cocktail and box of cheese crackers sitting near by. I can use this text as needed; change the font, the size or the color. No more searching the net for just the right piece of text! 
The fun with this one was making the title "Muscle Maidens" look like rusted metal. Surprisingly easy, but then everything is when you finally figure out how to do it!! Dressing those muscle maidens
was interesting especially with their curvy body positions.
Thanks goes to the designers at Mischief Circus for the following digi kits:


Thank you so much for taking the time to put a little air under my wings. I so appreciate your observations, comments and praise. Hugs!